About: Robyn McKay

Recent Posts by Robyn McKay

Paris is always a good idea

Today, I'm writing to you from my apartment in Paris. You might ask: Why, Robyn, are you in Paris?  You just quit your job 6 weeks ago. You have a book to finish writing. Why are you in Paris?     Paris is always a good idea. ~Audrey Hepburn         I came to Paris for a lot of different reasons. Yes, I did just quit my job as a psychologist and professor a mere 6 weeks ago. Yes, I do have a book to finish writing. Yes. Yes. Yes. Have you ever done something that makes little sense to anyone else around you,  but you've known in your heart of hearts that it was.

the science of {you}

Data counts. Start with a {scientific} assessment of your intelligence, creativity and personality - so you find your voice, be yourself, and find your place in the world.
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