attention: successful, emotionally-intelligent women leaders in business and corporate

robyn pic mood and moneyFrom the desk of: Robyn McKay, PhD

In this letter, you’ll discover the answer to this important question:

Is your mood – how you feel – blocking your wealth?

And you’ll discover the new 5-week online course I’ve designed to help you bounce back quickly from harsh criticism and unexpected setbacks that would typically send you into a tailspin.

That way you can stay the course with your business, career, and financial goals. 

To discover if your mood – how you feel – may be blocking your ability to make the money you desire, please review the following checklist of “symptoms”.

As a successful, emotionally-intelligent woman, do you ever:  

  • Have difficulty bouncing back from harsh criticism – usually from someone who’s not your customer, mentor, or coach
  • Feel burnt out – as though you’ve “run out of gas” and your motivation and ambition have been muted by all of your duties, responsiblities and obligations
  • Find yourself crying at inopportune moments in business – Usually follows the harsh criticism
  • Feel that your creativity has been stifled or blocked because you’re feeling anxious or uninspired.
  • Become overly frustrated to the point of giving up on your goal – not closing sales, no one’s responding to your Facebook Ads, your ideal clients aren’t purchasing from you.
  • Feel confused about what to do next in your business or your career – when are you supposed to start with low end products and services? Or are you supposed to promote your high-end private coaching?
  • Feel overwhelmed – sales funnels, LeadPages, InfusionSoft, infographics, …what?
  • Seem to be highly distractable or have difficulty focusing on the task at hand – you’re “supposed” to be writing a solo mailer, but there’s a really good new free training video. Or Pinterest.
  • Get mad at yourself because you’re not as self-disciplined as you need to be to accomplish what you desire (usually follows feeling overwhelmed, frustrated or discouraged)
  • Feel secretly jealous, envious, or compare yourself to a colleague who’s having tremendous business success despite having less education, experience, and knowledge that you.

If you’ve ever struggled with any of these “symptoms”, it’s likely that your emotions are blocking the financial success you desire to achieve for your business.

I’m Dr. Robyn McKay – award-winning psychologist for gifted and talented women, multi-6-figure business owner, and business mentor to an international community of high-achieving women entrepreneurs and professionals – and I’ve designed an important online course with you in mind.

Introducing the new online course – the homestudy version
Mood & Money
Manage Your Mood. Make More Money.

with Dr. Robyn McKay

mood and money banner


Why a new online course? 

In my work as a psychologist and business mentor to high-achieving women entrepreneurs, I’ve realized that there’s something missing in the women entrepreneur community – something that everyone’s experiencing but almost no one ever talks about: emotions.

In the women entrepreneur community, there’s a lot of talk about wealth consciousness and money mindset.

In fact, if a high-achieving woman isn’t having the success she desires (AKA making +6-figures in her business), she’ll often point to her “limited beliefs”, lack of wealth consciousness, and mindset as the culprits that are keeping her from her success. 

As a mentor for high-achiveving women entrepreneurs AND as a woman who owns a multi-6-figure international coaching business, a woman who’s been on the entrepreneurial pathway for over 7 years, I know this for sure:

If you’ve been focused on developing your wealth consciousness, changing your money mindset, and re-writing your money story – but you’re still not making the money you desire, it’s quite possible that you’ve been ignoring an essential aspect of yourself that could be blocking you from achieving your financial goals.

“To prepare yourself to make money in your business…you need to focus on more than just your wealth consciousness & money mindset.

How you {feel} emotionally affects the level of success you experience in every aspect of your life – from your relationships, to your career, to your bank account.

In my work with high-achieving women, emotions & feelings are the {most often ignored, yet essential} part of the success equation.”

In fact, all the wealth consciousness mantras and money mindset affirmations in the world will do precious little for you if your emotions are blocking or interfering with your desires. 

Here are a few things you need to know: 

Wealth consciousness isn’t actually about money at all.

Rather, wealth consciousness is a state of being, a personal awareness, or belief system that focuses on abundance, prosperity, expansion, opulance, and growth rather than lack, poverty, restriction, stagnation, or contraction. Wealth consciousness and poverty consciousness exist on the poles of a continuum of thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. 

You can be conscious of wealth – aware that the universe is a continually expanding, bountiful place that produces highly organized, unlimited resources.

In contrast, you can also be aware that the world is filled with poverty, lack, and chaos. What you are aware of doesn’t depend on where you look – but rather it depends on your consciousness or awareness of what you see. Your consciousness depends on how you feel. 

Did you ever notice that when you’re feeling angry or depressed, the world seems a little less vibrant, a little more cynical?

Is your glass half-empty or half-full?

There are some people who can see beauty in the face of distruction. It’s also why, when disaster strikes, humanity looks for the good, the hopeful, the miracle in a world that appears to be falling apart. 

Money mindset is a concept that’s related to wealth consciousness

A “mindset” is a set of attitudes or beliefs about a particular topic, in this case, money.

We begin to form our attitudes about money during childhood – what our parents and caregivers say, don’t say, feel, don’t feel, do or don’t do about money affects our mindset or attitude about money in adulthood.

Learning about money begins in childhood, and the neural pathways in your brain are laid down early so that your attitudes about money become automatic (or unconscious) early in your life. Automatic attitudes can be difficult to change or adjust without concentrated and directed effort.

Put in practical (non-nerdy) terms, you generally can’t just “mantra” or “affirmation” your way into a different mindset about money.

In my experience, teaching yourself to think differently about money requires training and practice…and one more essential ingredient, which I’ll teach you about right now: Your Emotions.  Which leads me to a big question:

mood promoIs your mood blocking your success? 

Emotions. Everyone’s got them.

But in my experience, first as a PhD psychologist and now as a mentor to high-achieving women entrepreneurs and professionals, almost no one wants to talk about them.

Most of the women I mentor in sheology private coaching programs tell me that they hate crying.

A few of my clients tell me that they hate being labled as the overly-emotional one – or “the crier” in their group of colleagues or friends.

Others say that sometimes their emotions seem to get the best of them, and afterward they’re left feeling embarassed, as if their professional influence has been damaged by their display of emotions.

And most of the high-achieving women in the sheology community agree that they were taught to “keep a stiff upper lip” and not to “wear your heart on your sleeve” when it comes to doing your work.

Emotions, they ask?

Maybe if I ignore them, they’ll go away. 

Here’s the problem.

A woman entrepreneur’s mood (how she feels) has a powerful effect on her earning potential.

When you’re feeling anxious, overwhelmed, frustrated, or discouraged, your capacity to fulfill your sales goals is hindered; and your marketing lacks the vibrancy that’s essential to attract your ideal clients.

You get rattled when you receive unexpected criticism or a surprising setback… and it takes days or even weeks for you to recover.

In fact, emotions & feelings are the {most-often ignored, yet essential} part of the success equation for women entrepreneurs. 

Your mood, your emotions, and how you feel emotionally has an enormous impact on the success that you experience in every aspect of your life, from your relationships, to your career, and even what’s in your bank account.

And here’s the interesting thing: I’m not suggesting that you “get rid of” your emotions – you can’t anyway. BTW, unlike your appendix, emotions can’t be surgically removed.

But instead, consider this:

  • What if your feelings became your greatest ally rather than your most subversive enemy?
  • What if your emotions became your most powerful asset as a leader in business?
  • How would your life – and business – be different if you felt excited, happy, focused, and inspired most of the day?
  • What if you could refine your emotions so that you shift quickly from feeling anxious or discouraged or frustrated, and return to a state of emotional wellbeing that both predicts and accompanies success, including financial success? How would life change for you? 
  • What if you could master the ability to quickly bounce back from harsh criticism or unexpected setbacks so you can stay the course on your financial goals?

mood and money logo

What you will learn in the new 5-week online course: Mood & Money –
The Psychology of Women Making Money

There’s a missing ingredient to creating lasting change – and financial success – in your wealth consciousness and money mindset that most mentors don’t address: your EMOTIONS.

Research indicates that your mood, your emotions, and how you feel has an enormous impact on the success that you experience in your business.

What if your feelings became your greatest ally rather than your biggest enemy?

What if your emotions were your most powerful asset as a leader in business?

How would your life – and business – be different if you felt excited, happy, focused, and inspired most of the day?

What if you could refine your emotions so that you shift quickly from feeling anxious or discouraged or frustrated, and return to an emotional state that both predicts and accompanies success, including financial success? How would life change for you?

How do you know if your your mood is affecting your earning potential?

Review the following checklist and discover where your mood, emotions, and how you feel may be impacting your ability to be successful in your business.

Here are some of the ways that emotions can block your success in your business.

  • difficulty bouncing back from harsh criticism – usually from someone who’s not your customer, mentor, or coach
  • crying at inopportune moments in business – Usually follows the harsh criticism
  • becoming overly frustrated to the point of giving up on a goal – not closing sales, no one’s responding to your Facebook Ads, your ideal clients aren’t purchasing from you.
  • getting confused about what to do next in your business – when are you supposed to start with low end products and services? Or are you supposed to promote your high-end private coaching?
  • feeling overwhelmed – sales funnels, LeadPages, InfusionSoft, infographics, …what?
  • having difficulty focusing on the task at hand – you’re “supposed” to be writing a solo mailer, but there’s a really good new free training video. Or Pinterest.
  • mad at yourself because you’re not as self-disciplined as you need to be to accomplish what you desire (usually follows feeling overwhelmed, frustrated or discouraged)
  • Jealous or envious of one of your colleagues who’s having tremendous success despite having less education, experience, and knowledge that you.

If you’ve ever struggled with any of the following “symptoms”, it’s likely that your emotions are blocking the financial success you desire to achieve for your business.

That’s why I designed this 5-week course on Mood & Money – Psychology of Women Making Money is perfect for you if you’re a high-achieving woman and you:

Desire to understand & refine your emotions, and cultivate your personal psychology of making money so you can feel happier, more abundant, and more connected to your core purpose and mission.


Because when you’re feeling your best, your performance, your contributions, your leadership, your creativity and your financial success will align with your good-feelings.

That way…

You can attract more of your ideal clients, make more money in your business, and achieve the level of influence you desire.

Research Note: The link between happiness and success is causal and bi-directional.

The research on the link between happiness and success clearly shows that feelings of wellbeing create the conditions for success to arise, and success creates more feelings of happiness and wellbeing. Put another way, happiness CAUSES success to arise and success CAUSES more happiness.

Because of my extensive training in positive psychology and the psychological wellbeing of high-achieving women, I’ve discovered that addressing your personal psychology, including your mental & emotional well-being, often leads to breakthroughs in business and financial success (including more ideal clients, more time and money freedom).

WY1_3169Who I am and why you can trust me to help you to understand and refine your emotions

I’m Dr. Robyn McKay. With a PhD in Counseling Psychology, an award-winning book, and 20 years of experience mentoring and guiding women entrepreneurs and leaders, I’ve learned a thing or two about the psychology of women making money. 

At sheology, I mentor succesful, emotionally intelligent women by helping them to understand and refine their emotions so they can attract more of their ideal clients, make more money and create the level of influence and leadership success in their businesses that they desire. 

10628884_771809239531664_6183812215328939144_oI’m the co-author of the award-winning book,  Smart Girls in the 21st Century, Understanding Talented Girls & Women.s

And I’m the founder of she{ology} by dr. robyn mckay, LLC  an the international executive leadership organization for successful, emotionally-intelligentc women entrepreneurs & corporate professionals. 

Formally trained with a PhD in counseling psychology from the University of Kansas, I’ve dedicated my professional work to understanding the psychology of gifted and talented girls and women. 

My mission? To reignite the hearts and minds of 1,000,000 women leaders in order to change the landscape of the global economy. 

A little more about my story…in case we haven’t met yet.

In July 2013, I walked away from my salaried position at a major American university, where I was making about $5K/month as a professor and psychologist at a major university.

Since then, she{ology} has become an internationally-recognized transformational coaching brand with $200K in sales during 2014. 

she{ology} is truly a global community with clients who hale from Dubai, Hong Kong, Turkey, Canada, Australia, the UK, and all around the US.

What I’ve learned along the way about wealth consciousness, money mindset, and the powerful effects of a woman entrepreneurs’s mood & emotions on her earning potential is a potent combination, which I believe can lead to personal financial empowerment. 

It makes sense: your emotions affect your ability to make money in your business.

In the past 20 years, I’ve mentored talented girls and women around the world and have come to the conclusion – which bears up in the research – that:

How you feel, what you think, your level of confidence, your tendency toward perfectionism, neuroticism, and even levels of depression and anxiety can and do affect your ability to be financially successful  – whether you’re an entrepreneur or in a salaried, professional leadership position.

As you’re aware, money is one important measure of success in business. Of course, there are other measures of success, but stay with me on this one since you’re learning about the psychology of women making money…

And you already probably realize that if you’re making less money than you’re spending, you’re going out of business. If you’re not making money at all, you don’t have a business, you’ve got an expensive hobby.

What do Elite Athletes & Successful, Emotionally-Intelligent Women  Have in Common? 

Just like an elite athlete’s performance in the Olympics is affected by their psychological wellbeing, so too is the case for women leaders.

Elite athletes have sport psychologists to help them with mindset, emotion regulation, and focus, which maximizes their potential and leads to success. That way they can run faster, jump higher, and win more races. (All measures of success.)

Sports psychologists help athletes master their performance – not because they’re crazy or depressed, but because they have talent and ability that requires refinement to achieve excellence. When a pro golfer gets the “yips”, or a champion baskeball player begins to miss “no-brainer” freethrows, or a world champion sprinter “jumps the gun” one too many times, everyone will agree – it’s all between their ears. 

It’s all in your head. That doesn’t mean you’re making it up, or faking it, or that there’s something wrong with them. It just means that the psychological part of the game has become critical to the athlete’s success.

Women leaders, there’s a good chance that your success or lack of success is all in your head, too. Your emotions may be blocking your desire to succeed.

Which doesn’t mean you’re crazy or depressed, either.

It’s my professional opinion that women entrepreneurs – especially highly educated, emotionally-intelligent, creative women entrepreneurs – require similar training to elite athletes in the psychology of emotion regulation, mood management, and optimal development in order to experience the level of success that they desire for themselves in their own busineses.

Let me put it this way:

If you’ve got raw talent, training on sales and marketing and list building and product lines, and you’re still not making the money you desire, it’s time to look at what’s going on between your ears.

mood and money logoThat’s why I’ve created a the homestudy  course:

Mood & Money: The Psychology of Women Making Money 



The 5-Part Homestudy Course for Women Entrepreneurs, Aspiring Entrepreneurs, and Professionals

 This 5 week course is perfect for you if you:

  • have difficulty bouncing back after being derailed by unexpected criticism or surprising setbacks in your business/career. You’ve had difficulty bouncing back, and the struggle may include:
    • losing sales
    • not being able to attract new clients
    • feeling confused or frustrated with what programs or services to offer your ideal clients
    • questioning who your ideal client is, despite receiving training on how to identify and find them
    • questioning whether or not you are actually cut out to be an entrepreneur despite past successes
  • Have been reading wealth consciousness books to change your money mindset, and re-writing your money story – but you’re still not making the money you desire
  • Can’t figure out why you’re not making as much money as some of your colleagues and friends, despite your high potential.
  • Have been an entrepreneur for 1-3 years, and desire to make more money in your business so that it’s not just an expensive hobby anymore.
  • Feel squeamish or self-conscious about raising your rates, asking for the sale, or marketing yourself.
  • Are a perfectionist and don’t want to “put yourself out there” until you know exactly what you’re doing.
  • Love to study and learn about new ways of thinking about money, sales, and marketing.
  • Are highly distractable or are easily frustrated. You start lots of projects, but rarely complete them. If something doesn’t go right, you start over.
  • Your mantras and affirmations aren’t working as well as you would like (or you start doing them and then after a day or two forget about them).
  • You’re curious about and desire to learn more about the positive psychology of women making money
  • Have an advanced professional degree (MD, PhD, MBA, JD, etc.) or were identified as gifted/talented as a child
  • Are tired of comparing yourself to others in your industry
  • Are spiritually intelligent or intuitive in addition to being professionally trained as an attorney, physician, psychologist, counselor, business leader or another professional role
  • Are new to entrepreneurship in a service-based profession as a life, health, or transformational coach
  • Are making the transition from your corporate job, want to start your own business in a service-based profession – and want to do it right, the first time

Here’s what you’ll learn during the new Mood & Money 5-part home study course

Module 1:  Mood & Money: The Psychology of the Successful Woman Entrepreneur

siobhan barnsMajor Questions Dr McKay will answer: Why do some women entrepreneurs seem to fly at lightening speed toward financial success, while others languish in the background, despite a excellent credentials, high intelligence, and a desire to good in the world? Why am I so sensitive to criticism, fear of failure, and other people’s successes – and what can I do about it?



During this class, you’ll learn:

  • The Psychological Profile of The Woman Entrepreneur
    • The key personality characteristics that successful entrepreneurs possess – and that predict your ability to succeed.
    • The personality characteristics that you may need to “work around” (or heal) in order to achieve your goals.
    • How the messages you received about money from your childhood caregivers  continue to influence your earning potential – and what you can do about it.
  • The Happiness Pie – Discover what the research in positive psychology has to say about the relationship between happiness and financial success for high-achieving women. Learn the things you can do to improve your emotional wellbeing so that you’re feeling your best, and your performance follows suit.

Module 2:  The Money Between Your Ears – Neuroscience Essentials about Mood, Emotion, and Money for the Woman Entrepreneur Who Desires a Financially Successful Business


Major Question Dr McKay will answer: Getting derailed by criticism is common among high-achieving women entrepreneurs. I’ve witnessed smart, talented women “spin out” for days, even weeks, after receiving harsh criticism or an unexpected wrinkle in their plans. I know that it sounds so obviously simple… but high-achieving women must master the way to bounce back quickly and stay on your course toward your goals.
In this module, I’ll show you how. And I’ll also answer the question: what’s neuroscience got to do with it, anyway?

During this class, I’ll teach you about: 

  • The Neuroscience of emotional flexibility and emotional self-regulation, as it relates to your ability to achieve your earning potential
  • The Continuum of Emotions and the link emotions have to your financial success
  • How criticism affects your emotions, and what you can do to diffuse the “sting” of unexpected attacks so you can bounce back quickly. 
    • The role that emotions such as depression, anxiety, enthusiasm, and appreciation play in a high-achieving woman’s capacity to make money.
  • How to use the neuroscience of emotions to manage your emotions so that you can bounce back quickly from a low mood, anxiety, or frustration.
  • How to become more comfortable with emotions – yours and other people’s (including your children’s, partner’s, and clients’ emotions) – and why becoming emotionally flexible is so important for women entrepreneurs
  • Why how you feel about competition, criticism, and fear of failure often plague a highly able woman’s success – and what you can do about it.


Tracy 91_8137606098538215724_nModule 3:  How Your Mood Affects Your Mindset, Mantras, and the Money that Flows in to Your Experience

The major question Dr McKay will answer: How does your mood affect the potency of your mantras, the quality of your mindset, and ultimately the amount of money in your bank accounts?

During this class, you’ll learn: 

  • Discover why your money mindset/wealth consciousness mantras may not be working as well as you expect them to, and what your emotions have to do with it. 
  • Learn which emotions that crush your desires, and which ones elevate your intuition, creativity, and manifestation abilities
  • Explore the ways that the current research and data from positive psychology actually aligns with what New Thought Leaders have been teaching for generations (including, Esther Hicks – The Teachings of Abraham, Florence Scovel Shinn – The Game of Life and How to Play it, Napoleon Hill – Think & Grow Rich, and others.)
  • Learn what Napoleon Hill in Think & Grow Rich had to say about the role of emotions in achieving your desires.
  • Develop practical – scientifically proven – skills and practices that will enable you to quickly identify and shift your emotions so that you can make the most out of your mantras, and maintain a positive, constructive mindset.

Module 4: How Your Mood and Emotions Affect your Personal Brand & Marketing Efforts 


Major Question Dr McKay will answer: How does a woman entrepreneur’s mood and emotions affect ability to be a highly visible leader in the online marketplace?

 Did you know that many high-achieving women genuinely struggle – and often suffer from anxiety (and even panic) when it comes to creating a polished, highly visible personal brand. Yet at the same time – these same high-achieving women strongly desire with all their hearts to be the high-profile leader in their fields. The conflict can become paralyzing, making her marketing efforts seem less vibrant and on-brand, meaning more difficulty finding your ideal clients, fewer sales, and greater difficulty achieving your financial goals. 

During this class, you’ll discover:  

  • How to overcome any visiblity issues (shyness, embarrassment, fear of being judged) in the online marketplace. 
  • The emotions you must cultivate in order to feel comfortable being a highly visible leader in the online space.
  • Why perfectionism, fear of what others think, and fear of “getting into trouble” of is undermining your marketing efforts – and what you can do about it.
  • Why feelings of self-consciousness, modesty, and your desire for privacy can interfere with your desire to have a well-loved, internationally recognized brand.
  • How you can quickly shift feelings of self-consciousness, perfectionism, fear of criticism, fear of what others will think when it comes to your personal brand and marketing efforts.

Module 5: The Psychology of Women Making Money – How your Mood & Emotions Affects your Ability to Attract High-End Clients, Design and Price High-End Programs, and Consistently Generate +5K-$10K/month

roxanaMajor Questions Dr. McKay will answer: Most high-achieving women have taken courses and certification programs on how to become a coach, how to design, price and sell packages, how to make $10K/month. And yet, only a small percentage (somewhere between 2 and 3 percent) of women make over $100K annually. Those who do earn over $100K as entrepreneurs who are selling personal services rather than widgets or technology, seem to have a special ingredient that helps them to break through the 6-figure mark.

What are they doing right?
And what can we learn from them? 

During this class, I’ll teach you: 

  • How successful women entrepreneurs use their emotions to make quantum leaps in their financial goals and intentions
  • How to make your emotions your most powerful ally when you’re:
    • designing your offers
    • pricing your programs
    • identifying your target audience
    • preparing for discovery sessions and having sales conversations
  • Key emotions you must activate if you really want to charge (and receive) your worth
  • When your emotions lie to you (or mask your intuition) – and why it’s so important to get a clear read on your emotions when you’re in business. 
  • How to accurately read your prospective client’s emotions so you can ask the right questions to help you decide if she’s the right client for you (and you’re the right coach for her!)
  • How to creat a constant, conscious connection with the Christ Consciousness that instantly elevates your emotion frequency that allows God to manifest all that you desire and require through you – using your unique talents, abilities, and your most important asset of all, your brain. 

Are you in? Enrollment Options

Mood & Money – the 5-week homestudy course

  • Weekly Homework assignments designed to help you become more aware of your emotions, develop your emotional intelligence, and become more emotionally flexible, confident, and ultimately more resilient about your emotions as they affect your financial and business goals.
  • .mp3 Audio Recordings of each of the lectures that you can download and listen to again and again.
  • Membership in the Private Mood & Money Facebook Community where you will have the opportunity to connect with other high-achieving women entrepreneurs to form mastermind partnerships, ask each other questions, give and receive support, and be a part of an international community of high-achieving women entrepreneurs.

Full-pay option: $297
NOW (thru June 30): $119


All sales are final. By purchasing, you agree to the program terms and conditions

Why is this high-achieving physician endorsing
Dr. McKay for mentoring on Mood & Money?
Meet Sonia Madera, MD.

“Who better than Dr. McKay to bring the importance of high-achieving women’s moods into the light than an accomplished psychologist, author, and entrepreneur?”

sonia madera

In an off-the-cuff, authentic interview with our sheology magazine intern, Dr. Madera shares her Top 4 reasons why she recommends Dr. McKay for mentoring on achieving success in business. 

Sheology Magazine: What are the Top 4 reasons a high-achieving woman work with Dr. McKay?

Dr. Madera:  1. Hello, she’s got a PhD! That credential is actually important to me. Being an academic myself, I respect someone who has been through rigorous training and has an academic back bone. Robyn understands me more because she too has been through the ringer in your own training. I trust your professional experience and training more than someone who took a coaching training course or read several books.

Dr. Madera:  2. Not only is she smart and has the academic goods, but she has real life experience on creating and building a business so she knows first hand what you have to deal with & has coached other high-achieving women on doing the same. Her new online program, Mood & Money, was part of that journey & clearly she’s navigated it towards success.

Dr. Madera:  3. When talking mood, again, Dr. McKay has studied mood in her professional training & she’s treated people with mood issues in her previous work as a psychologist…who better to get advice from?
Really???!!! Seriously!

Dr. Madera:  4. I think there are a lot of misconceptions around mental health out there, many also held by the establishment. I also think there is shame around saying “I feel anxious, depressed, angry, whatever” when you are perceived as a female leader, so I believe it is occulted. Who better to bring the importance of high-achieving women’s moods into the light than Dr. McKay an accomplished psychologist, author, and entrepreneur?

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