About: Robyn McKay

Recent Posts by Robyn McKay

French {Lessons}: Deadlines, Emily Giffin, Don’t be a Grinch

French {Lessons}: Positive Psychology Lessons from France  Topic: On a Deadline? Don't Be a Grinch. Get Positive Psychology.  by Dr. Robyn McKay

Best-selling American author Emily Giffin is wickedly smart. She's successful. And she was a guest at my book club after her last book was published (Yes, my book club buddies and I actually interviewed her and got free copies of her latest book!)

But when Emily's on a deadline, she - like many talented people - gets important feedback from people who love her. For instance, today she posted this entry on Facebook:

international living & coaching

My heart is full. And I wanted to write and share with you the reasons why. After spending a glorious week in Paris - beginning with a photo shoot and ending with a Vivaldi concert in Saint-Chapelle (I filmed a few moments of it for you. Just click on the image to listen)... ...I'm now writing to you from Aix-en-Provence where the sun is warm and bright, and little white butterflies flutter nearby. I am happy and my heart is full. My life has changed so much since leaving my job at the university this past June. This morning, I posted my thoughts on Facebook:  .

Is this your real life? {positive psychology lessons from Paris}

I always feel more like a "real writer" when I've parked myself at an outdoor cafe. I order a diet coke (une coka lite, s'il vous plait), pop open my laptop and the world changes. The ordinary girl, Robyn, becomes Robyn the writer. In those moments, I feel inspired, and happy, and I know that I'm doing my work because I can feel it in my bones. Now is one of those times. Just the other day, I wrote this for my new book Smart Girls (out in late 2013):
  Many of you responded - even if you're not in your 30s.
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